When buying a home, make sure that you know exactly which household items and appliances will be included with your purchase. The following three parts tell you just that, enabling the buyer and seller to agree on what will stay, and what will go:
- Chattels: These are items that aren’t structurally part of the house and can be removed, but you may want to include them in the sale. Commonly purchased chattels include major appliances, such as the fridge and stove, but you can also include those drapes the sellers said they’d leave.
- Fixtures: These are affixed to the house, such as light fixtures, overhead fans, and built-in bookcases. Unless otherwise noted, fixtures are included in the purchase price of the home.
- Rental items: These items are things the sellers rented, like hot water heaters or propane tanks and security systems. They aren’t included in the house’s purchase price unless you and the seller agree that they are. The contract should note that the buyer will assume the lease and all lease obligations for the propane tanks or security system. If the seller hasn’t provided copies of the rental or lease documents prior to you making your offer, make your offer subject to you receiving and approving the lease agreements as necessary.
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